Information about Equiprr


About Equiprr

Company Value Proposition
Equiprr was founded in 2020 by Stuart Nielson, launching in the greater Tucson, Arizona area, to provide the go-to marketplace for peer-to-peer equipment rentals.  The past decade has seen an explosion of the sharing economy, where marketplaces allow "buyers" and "sellers" to connect and share their own assets, talents, etc. with each other for mutual benefit.  A few examples are:
  • Airbnb and VRBO: short-term housing and vacation properties
  • Uber and Lyft: taxi-like transportation
  • Etsy: homemade goods
  • Fiverr: freelancing services
  • Thumbtack: professional services

Peer-to-peer marketplaces allow individuals throughout the world to generate extra cash on the side by gaining additional value from their time, skills, and/or assets. The goal of Equiprr is to provide a marketplace where those with tools and other equipment can extract additional value by renting their equipment out to others, while providing many cheaper sources for equipment rentals than traditional rental companies.
About the Founder
Equiprr was founded by Stuart Nielson. Stuart completed both baccalaureate and masters degrees in Electrical Engineering and has worked as an engineer for nearly 15 years. In addition, Stuart has been an avid do-it-yourselfer, enjoying working with tools to accomplish different projects. With a technical background, a passion for entrepreneurship, and a do-it-yourself attitude, Equiprr is Stuart's melding of all these into one.